
Average Entry-level Yearly Salaries

Source: Occupational Outlook Handbook, 1992-93 Edition
(Latest Edition Available)

Position                    Annual Salary 

Accountant & Auditors   $26,600                    

Actuaries                   $28,300                    

Computer Programmers        $34,000                    

Computer Systems Analysts   $38,700                    

Economists                  $25,200                    

Engineers                   $31,900                    

Employment Interviewers     $12,000-24,000             

Food Service and Lodging    $26,000                    


Lawyers                     $39,000                    

Licensed Practical Nurses   $18,096                    

Medical Assistants          $14,000                    

Medical Record Technicians  $19,600-22,462             

Occupational Therapists     $26,500                    

Operations Research         $30,000                    


Paralegals                  $20,900                    

Physical Therapists         $28,473                    

Physicians                  $155,800*                  

Psychologists               $55,000=                    

Public Relations            $30,000*                   

Radiologic Technicians      $29,162*                   

Retail Buyers               $25,100*                   

Registered Nurses           $31,104*                   

Secretaries                 $24,100*                   

Social Workers              $23,000-36,000*            

Writers and Editors         $24,000                    

* Salary based on annual average

=Annual average for psychologists with doctoral degrees

Note: Salaries may vary depending upon factors such as geographic area, private versus government employment, etc.

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